The Picked–up Robe Offering Ceremony for buying additional Land to extend Bhavanaviriyakhun Meditation Center
The Picked–up Robe Offering Ceremony for buying additional 350-Rai Land to extend Bhavanaviriyakhun Meditation Center in Kao Samrong sub-district, Muang district, Kanchanaburi province, Thailand
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#1
Our world seems to become smaller in terms of its interconnectedness. Changes occurring around the world have immediate effects on us socially and economically
Good tips for teaching children
The present society is facing increased problems of children lacking gratitude for their parents. Do you have any recommendations in teaching our children to become good and grateful people?
Understanding Life’s Goal
On the first day of meditation practice with Khun Yay, the first question the new student asked was: “Khun Yay does heaven and hell exist?” Khun Yay simply answered, “Yes, they both exist.
How is a fool is and what are the ill-effects from associating with the fools?
The first auspiciousness of life teaches us not to associate with the fools. First of all, I’d like to know how a fool is like, and what the ill-effects from associating with the fools are.
Where Does Children’s Good Behavior Come From?#1
These three factors are the foundation to support the good Dhamma. It will develop more in the future and they will be able to grow to reach their full potential. In comparison to good lands and fields
Keeping Love Alive (Cherishing Love)
In the book Thirty-eight Universal Steps to Eternal Happiness, compiled for the summer program for ordained monks by the Venerable teacher Monk Somchai Tanavuddho,
The Morning Alms Offering in the Center of Hat Yai
The Great, Indefinite Monastic Offering in the Center of Hat Yai City The Ceremony of Morning Alms Offering to 10,000 Foreign and Thai Monks From 4 Countries and 14 Southern Provinces
Be Good Because Of DMC
Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.
Have Good Jobs and Keep Doing Good Work
We have to work for our living. Those who have good jobs and keep doing good work need to work hard. In order to keep working hard, we have to be patient.